Sunday, March 22, 2009

Craigslist Interview

I answered an ad on Craigslist for a personal assistant. It was somewhat vague - said it was for the CEO of a small company, would run errands, schedule appointments, etc. I replied by email. He told me to call. When I called at 8:30AM, he told me I woke him up. So sorry. Didn't call back for about a week - then called at 7:30PM on a Saturday night. Odd. Wanted me to come in at 3PM on Tuesday for an interview - and I needed 3 copies of my resume. I looked up the address on Google Earth and it was a real office building. Several friends said I was crazy for going unarmed, but I knew I could stab someone with my keys if I had to.
Dressed up and drove to the interview. There was a real building. Office was small - maybe 4 people working there. The CEO was single and had to be younger than 25. He invited me into a room with two other guys - also younger than 25. All three were dressed in nice suits - kindof entourage-like. It was funny. They turned on a video camera, passed out my 3 copies and asked qeustions. 1. Do I like animals? I do, except for snakes. [they didn't laugh] Because he has a dog and I might need to play with it and clip toenails. [it wasn't a joke]. Sure, I like dogs. 2. Can I stay in hotels and be away from town? Sure, why not. 3. Can I drive long distances? I am from Texas. 4. Have I ever driven a Mercedes? No. Really? No. 5. Could I drive to Vegas and back in a day? 6. Could I drink alcohol? Maybe a glass I said.

The list of possible assignments includes: cleaning house, laundry, walking dog, taking notes constantly...for $8 an hour?

It was everything I could do not to laugh throughout the interview. They haven't called.

Oh yeah, I had to fill out an E-harmony inventory to see if my personality matches the CEO's. I think maybe it is a cover for finding him a wife. I've decided to say no if they do call...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Job openings

I have been job searching. You go to craigslist first, right? All kinds of scary things on there. Like "get paid $100 an hour - women only" or "movie extras for $25 a day" etc. I have been nervous about sending any kind of full resume to places on craigslist. Just too little info in the postings for me to send so much about myself. So then you go to They are just overwhelming. Way too many options. I have looked for just plain and simple admin jobs - but with higher pay. Most go through temp agencies so you know it is pointless to apply to those. Then monster tries to send recommended jobs - like openings for welders, assembly line workers and truck drivers. Not sure how that goes with admin. Looked at LA Times jobs, all the local colleges for adjunct positions, Claremont openings. Just applied all around. I did apply to Univ of Phoenix to teach online.

I actually interviewed there today - by phone. It feels like it was a strong interview, but you never know. I won't actually get paid for a while if I do make it, but it will be a great system to be a part of. Lots of good teaching experience. And on my walk this morning - I remembered about the summer reading institute I applied for way back when. Called and they are still interviewing for my area! Very exciting. Interview tomorrow. Then we got a CGU email about CSU Northridge having adjunct openings in religion. Lots of the classes would be good matches for me. Rosemary Ruether agreed to write a recommendation letter for me! So, it was a good day job searching. Finally.

Isn't it interesting that the open doors are actually things I want to do? Not just a "job". I know and trust that God is good, but sometimes I forget how good.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

One more thing

Since I was in the Vagina Monologues, I have been pondering how to get a monologue in there about the redemptive power of Christ. Some story about a woman who finds healing. I think it could be amazing. THEN I thought about a whole show, about women's experiences with religion and sexuality. It could me done with women's real stories. So today at the conference, I meet a woman who is a professor of theater. I tell her my idea and she is intrigued. I love it. She says we will collaborate. Yeah baby.

Laughing at the Future

I spent the day at a conference called Winds of Change - for Christian professors in secular universities to meet. I had to keep saying that I am "just a PhD student" and not a professor. It is fun to be around people that actually want to hear your dissertation topic. They even have suggestions of books you should read. When we first started the day, I was excited to hear Mary Poplin. She is my professor that is serving as my mentor. She is one radical person. I was reminded that I am not supposed to be her. That my story will be different from anyone else's. Through the first session, I was sinking into this idea that I may not be a professor after all. I was not all that excited about it before, but now it is my direction. It sounds too confined. Maybe that is the reason I can't get an adjunct job? I am gifted to lead. That is what I was made to do.

I felt a strange reality that I may not ever really have a direction - one direction that is. There was lots of networking all day. After a break, one guy at Cal Poly gave me his card and said it is not so hard to get an adjunct job after all. I had to laugh out loud at how God works. It is an agricultural school surrounded by mountains. One of the most beautiful views I have ever seen.

One guy presenting said "God's word to us has always been 'Fear Not.'" It resonated with me deeply. No matter what happens with the economy, with jobs (or the lack of jobs), somehow, we are cared for. I thought of the Prov 31 passage - about the woman wisdom that laughs at the future. Really? That takes some kind of faith. To laugh at the future, laugh at the chains of the past, and to live fully in Christ. I ran when I got home. Since I have decided to stay in my beloved state of freedom, I have smiled when I run. The view, the air, the knowledge that I am here to stay. It overwhelms me and I am happy. I'm sure the drivers in cars going by think I am crazy.

To laugh at the future.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I heard about Mosaic when I was at Golden Gate. It is a church in downtown LA that meets in a night club, has lots of younger people, and is multicultural. I always thought about visiting when I moved out here. I didn't actually go until mid-December. There is a campus in Pasadena and one in Chino - about 10 minutes from my house. I loved it when I went in December. It is where all the 20s & 30s young professionals are. I was excited to go back when I came back from Egypt. Went once two weeks ago and again this morning. Of course, this is after my news that I only have 3 more weeks in California. It was such a powerful morning. I wanted to write about it.

When we came in, we were given an electric tea light that was turned on. The worship room was pretty dark, just the powerpoint screens, spotlight for the stage and Christmas lights across the back. They used the tea lights all through the service. On the left side of the stage, there is an art station set up each week. An artist paints throughout the service and has a finished piece by the end. Today, the girl had painted a beach scene. It was beautiful - meant a lot to me. During the worship, we had a praise dance, a video compiled by members of a psalm they had written, a monologue by the artist about how she used to cut herself before meeting Christ. To top it off, our regular pastor was replaced by Irwin McMannus. That was so cool. He can communicate in such a real way. At one point, they turned off all the lights and he had a "visual conversation" with God using our tea lights. We turned them off - then he asked different questions and people would respond by turning on their light. He would then pray for the people. It was such a creative invitation.

I turned mine on when he asked "who feels like they have a huge dream that seems impossible, and you need courage from God to have enough faith for what is ahead". Maybe so.

I wish I had more time to get involved there. I wish I had joined a community group. I wish there could be a place like it for young adults all over the place - especially in East Texas. It was a beautiful morning.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today was the first time I let myself feel about my move from Cali. I'll be going back to Texas earlier than I thought. I'm excited to be near my family, so very sad to be leaving this place. I realized it is one of the only places I have ever left that I was not ready to leave. Everywhere else had a good reason to move on - but not here. Lots to be thankful for, but today I just journaled about what I will miss. I haven't blogged for several reasons. 1 - I'm not sure people actually read. 2. I haven't had the words.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

All I can say is WOW!

I had an "I heart CGU" kind of day. I could make a t-shirt. I am finally recovered from jet lag and woke up at 9AM instead of 6AM. Glad for that. Made it to the library by 10AM to have my dissertation day. Read over the study I am working with primarily - lots of good ideas for literature to look for. Jessica called to see if I was going to the Leadership Roundtable I had RSVP'd for. Oops. I wanted to go still. Went in my jeans, crocs, and tshirt - typical library attire. Showed up at the meeting and it was all professors and directors - all dressed in professional clothes. Oops. Group of about 12. I saw the name Riggio and realized he has authored the book Multiple Intelligences. I have a notecard for comps on that book - and I was sitting at lunch across from the guy. Yeah. Jessica knows all the people in the room so it was no big deal to her. Several other big names in the field of leadership sat around the table. I wished I had dressed up just a little. Didn't say much - just listened and tried to look like I belonged. Left feeling a litle star-struck.

Another gorgeous day with sunny skies. Almost beach weather. Worked out for almost 2 hours. Then back to the library to study some more. Time flew by as I worked on my taxonomy. Then I went to a workshop hosted by the library on RefWorks. Apparently it is a web-based software to manage sources for bibliographies, etc. I have End Note but barely use it - I know it does more than I can make it do. So the 2 hour workshop showed me all the great things our program can do. CGU subscribes to the program - so it is free for all the students. Wow. I was so impressed. I could even keep quotes and citations in the program.

As I drove away from campus, I was so hyped up. A great research day. Great networking and learning day. Truly one of the best days I've had in Cali. If I could have worked in a trip to the beach, it would have been perfect.